Tribute Wall

Why are you riding?

Help celebrate the MS Brissie to the Bay bike ride by sharing why you ride.
Your message will be pinned below on the virtual Tribute Wall.

"Being welcomed into a community of people, all there to help fight MS and show their support to people like Meg."
Andrew Mill, Husband of Meg Mill

Tribute Wall

Sarah Egar

I am ride in my 1st Brissie to the bay this year as I want to change my experience with MS into a more positive one. All the bad news, scans, the unknowns all that comes with MS diagnosis is sad and negative. I am doing this ride to create a positive experience and memory with my family and friends around MS

Lauren Kavanagh

Leaving this here in tribute of my dad Steve. Dad participated in the MS Brissie to the Bay for a number of years in honour of my mum Bronwyn. We lost her in 2019 after battling MS for 16 years, and we lost Dad in June of 2022 to bowel cancer. They were both exceptional, and Dad was so committed to doing all he could to raise funds for MS and spread awareness x

Russell Garrard

I wish I could, I will be attending as a VIP. I am the only adult in Australia diagnosed with NBIA-MPAN and MS Qld has been very good to me. They have offered to help when no other organisation has reached out to this zebra despite not having MS. The journey is long and difficult. I appreciate their help and everyone who has chosen to ride in the Brissie to the Bay!


I am riding to prove to myself that MS will not stop me. Diagnosed in 2021 six weeks after one major relapse causing severe face numbness, MS became my new personal daily challenge. I want to show my 4 young kids that there is always a reason to keep going no matter where the road takes us.

Andrew Waddell

I’m going to be taking on the 130km challenge. I’m not affected by MS but I’m sure they are struggling with the own day to day battles which I can only imagine being extremely tough. So I know the money raised by friends and family will go towards helping them with their health needs.

Dominc Collins

I’m riding for my niece 💖 Shontae battles the monster we know as Rett Syndrome She has taught us so many things & continues being a shining star in all our lives 🌟 Love you shontae you are my strength when I’m ready to give up take time to get to know someone RARE and goggle Rett Syndrome

Lisa Trendle

I am riding as a person with MS to show others you can do it. I am a competitive swimmer with Masters Queensland. MS has been in my life for 30 years and diagnosed for 22 years this year. I am still walking, working part-time now in OT helping others achieve their goals.

Keith Heinrich

Riding with my wife Joan who has been living with MS for over two decades.

Geoff Green

I was diagnosed with MS around 13 years ago and have been a part of the MS ride for the last 11 years, it is something I am passionate about. My brother started me on the cycling journey at the start and I have been lucky enough for him to do around 8 of the 11 rides with me. I get a lot of support from family and friends all over the place and am humbled by their continued support of this event. It is because of these people I continue doing this ride.


Riding for Janek.


I rode on Sunday to support those who cannot. Special callout to Donna in the US who is suffering MS. I rode for Donna. I have seen the work that MS does and we are so lucky to have them here in Qld.


Great cause. ❤️

Kevin L

I'm riding in memory of my dear mum who passed away in 1985 suffering mainly from MS. Her memory is very vivid and I honour her in this ride....The MS ride is the ONLY charity event I support and have done a few times. Its a good challenge and part of a great Brisbane and community day...

Hayden McDonald

For the second year running ‘a select group has been formed’ for the MS Brissie to the Bay '30 Day Challenge' off in full flow once again, as we depart Coolangatta on the QLDNSW border, speeding south this time, on our 25,000km virtual challenge (one kilometer in support of each person in Australia that is living with multiple sclerosis) around the mainland coastline of Australia, to show our support for Australians with MS and to raise awareness. #multiplesclerosis #MSQld #projectMAD #makeeverykmcount

Rebecca A

Shout out to my dad who was diagnosed with MS 12 years ago and is riding the 50km this year! He has always been a keen cyclist and we are so proud of him for his commitment to the cause. Go David!


I’m riding to support my friend Mariah and god mother Jane who both have MS.

Leo De Groot

At the beginning of this year my son Benjamin was diagnosed with MS. How could I not participate? We live 1200 kms apart, but I packed my suitcase, and bicycle and drove down to support him through the initial testing and treatments. Throughout all the tests and medications he has remained in good spirits and is focused on living as well as he can.

Bev Faulks

Riding the MS Brissie to the bay ride helps me to say to all those dealing with MS - I truly care about you. I acknowledge your daily struggle and I admire your strength to overcome the obstacles.

Kerry Paewai

I am cycling in the ride to fight MS to support a good friend Tara Clarke who has MS. This is my first ride

Colin Porteus

I am riding and raising funds for MS to help support my niece who is living with MS. Have been riding the Brissie to Bay since 2015.

Tim Lord

It an absolute pleasure to support such a great cause. When the going gets tough on the ride, just think of those that would love to be able to do the ride, but can't.

I've been riding this ride almost from the start, I've seen it grow over the years from a large group to where it is now with 1,000's of riders. It is an honour and a pleasure to ride to help raise awareness and vital funds for MS.

Robert King

A personal challenge so see what's possible if your set goals and have the support you need, to raise awareness of MS in the general community by posting my progress in the 30for30 challenge every day, to know what is feels like to have sore muscles tingling hands and feet and still show up, to raise funds to ensure there is sufficient support for those suffering with MS and finally to help find a cure.

Andrew Parker

When I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago I stopped riding my bike (I actually stopped lots of things) I'm riding 1000km to prove to myself and others that my MS isn't going to stop me for a long long time and to put a smile back on my face

Jeff Bartlett

This little NSW coachroach is doing this for 2 beuatiful people in my life that I know have MS. Jo and Margie. Both leading as full lifes as possible and my inspiration Margie has even run a marathon in Scotland. Love them to bits xx

What does the ride mean to you?

What does the ride mean to you?


Shout out to Hayden McDonald of Mipela Geo Solutions who together with key corporate sponsors puts in a lot of energy each year gathering a team of participants to raise awareness and funds for MS in an enjoyable way. Always creative I thought I would share his day one ride captured on Strava as a sample of the energy he brings. Thanks HMac


We’re riding to say thank you for helping me after my diagnosis in 2017


Why am I riding? Because I can, and while I can, I will - because there are many who cannot due to their MS, and one day my MS may stop me too...but until that day comes, I will ride on to Fight MS!

Hayden McDonald

Today we kick off our #projectMAD 2020 Brissie to Bay “30 for 30 Challenge” with the pedal to the medal, 53 MAD (Make A Difference) participants depart Coolangatta on the QLDNSW border, speeding off onto the highway west, there will be slight detour south into NSW (don’t tell Annastacia) on our 10,304km virtual trip around Queensland for the month of June #makeeverykmcount raising awareness of MS and $$$ to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for those living with this terrible disease please donate to our teams efforts:

Olivia Buist

I am riding to say a huge thank you to MS QLD for all the help they gave my family and I after my 2017 diagnosis. It was a very scary time but the kindness and direction offered up by MS QLD was extremely comforting. This is my second year riding and will continue to participate however I can to pass on my gratitude.


I've been riding this ride almost from the start, I've seen it grow over the years from a large group to where it is now with 1,000's of riders. It is an honour and a pleasure to ride to help raise awareness and vital funds for MS.


It's my first ride - I signed up to be part of a team with some work colleagues. My best friends Mum had MS, so as well as being a challenge to train and ride the distance, fundraising and awareness for MS also has a meaning personally for me.

Gerard Roborg-Sondergaard

I am riding and raising funds for people like Meg and everyone else I know in their fight against MS.

George Kunowski

Have a think about it, all of us are affected by MS we either have ourselves or we know someone who has. Let’s ride to Fight MS

Charlie Bennett

i am doing this because i hate this a$#e of a disease...MS QLD needs help to help people like my little Ferret fight this thing....


I hope that we can continue to raise and everyone can continue to raise as much money as possible.


The work of MS Queensland has been an amazing support for myself and others living with MS.


For those who suffer and struggle with this illness, they do not do it for only one day, but they do over months, years or even the rest of their lives.


My beautiful daughter, Bridie was diagnosed with MS in 2018 and that has obviously been an extremely important and significant event in our whole family’s life, so I am event more passionate and enthusiastic about Brissie to the Bay now.

Team Hurting Bad

I’m riding for my wife…I’m riding for my mum…I’m riding for my sister…and I’m riding for me.


We need to support all those living with MS.


Through the virtual event, we can still keep the spirit of the community alive through the 30 for 30 initiative.

  • Renee Wardlaw just donated $100
  • Rhonda J9nes just donated $20
  • Peter Truss just donated $53.81
  • Inaki Goni just donated $158.25
  • Richard just donated $20
  • Sarah Carey just donated $43.60
  • Liam Byrne just donated $107
  • Nan and David Whiting just donated $260.75
  • Michael Manski just donated $250
  • Theresa just donated $55.18
  • Graham Mills just donated $55.18
  • Terry Carter just donated $54.12
  • Erica Read just donated $36
  • Rob & Louise Stevenson just donated $50
  • Azhar Nasir just donated $100
  • H and K Plekker just donated $20
  • Maisie just donated $22.58
  • Peter & Kerry Plekker just donated $51
  • Steven Le just donated $12.05
  • Nathaniel Seden just donated $55.18