Use the tabs below to find all of your need-to-know information for your ride!
Please see below the event program for the MS Brissie to the Bay on Sunday 15 June.
Please note that this is subject to change, and you will receive official communications around starting times and event program closer to the event.
05:30 am
START Line opens
06:15 am
130km riders START
07:00 am
100km riders START
08:00 am
50km riders START
08:30 am
20km riders START
09:00 am
Finishers’ Village opens
Entertainment starts at Musgrave Park
10:00 am
Handle Bar beer garden opens
11:15 am
Random prize draws
12:15 pm
Current Highest Fundraisers Announced
Random prize draws
02:30 pm
Event Close
Follow the event on socials for the latest updates!
- Make sure you have a bike and a helmet and have signed up for the event!
- Get out and start your training! Ride with friends to keep each other accountable and have more fun. You can check out the exclusive training guides here
- Try to decide what you are going to wear on event day as early as possible and train in it as much as possible
- Get your bike serviced 1 to 2 weeks out from the event to make sure its in top shape
- Rider insurance is not covered with your registration fee, we highly recommend investing in insurance for the day of the event. We have secured an exclusive offer for participants. You can find out more information about the options available to you in the 'Rider Insurance' tab above.
- Ensure you have your Rider Pack and rider number prior to the event - for safety, you cannot start without your Rider Bib and Helmet Sticker. These numbers also help you to secure your photos after the ride!
- Check your allocated start time on the event program. Please ensure that you are lining up for the correct distance start time, if you start any earlier than your allocated time, the course won’t be ready for you.
- Be prepared for all weather conditions. Wear sunscreen even if it’s cloudy.
- We highly recommend you start the event with at least one full reusable drink bottle or a hydration style backpack of water.
Feel free to reach out to the team if you would like any further preparation tips or have any questions! or 1300 090 923
Please take note of the Start Line for this years' MS Brissie to the Bay event is at Russell Street.
Plan ahead and make sure that you arrive no more than 15 mins prior to your allocated start wave.
You can access the Start Line assembly area from Edmonstone Street.
If you forget or misplace your rider number, please head to the Start Line tent, where our team will be able to assist you with a replacement. It is best to place your rider number and helmet sticker somewhere you won't forget or lose when you receive or collect it from a collection point prior to the event.
We can't wait for you to see and be part of the incredible atmosphere at the Start Line!
Our Finisher's Village is situated at Musgrave Park and will be jam-packed with plenty of awesome live entertainment, delicious food and drinks vendors, event merchandise, photo opportunities, recovery areas and prizes throughout the day!
Visit the MS Brissie to the Bay merchandise tent to collect or purchase event merchandise for 2025. To ensure that you don't miss out, you can purchase your merchandise during registration, or at any point through your personal dashboard.
- Luggage Drop -
A luggage storage service will be available at Musgrave Park for a small $3 donation payable by EFTPOS.
- Mechanical Support -
If you need any mechanical support before or after your ride, you can head over to our Bike Mechanic Station where you will be assisted with supplies and adjustments.
- Fundraising Incentives Tent -
Throughout your fundraising journey, you’ll unlock key reward milestones along the way. Visit the Incentives Tent so we can share our gratitude for your amazing support and provide you with your awesome rewards! For more information regarding the 2025 incentives, visit Fundraising Incentives.
- Neuro Champions Area -
Raised over $1,000? Then you're in! We love to celebrate all of our fundraisers, and for those that hit the $1,000 milestone or above, come and say hi, so more of our team can meet and thank you in person!
- Food and Drink Vendors -
This year the Finisher's Village will have a diverse selection of food vendors from healthy options to indulgent treats. We also see the return of the much-loved Handle Bar and of course pre and post ride caffeine.
- Cheer Club -
The Cheer Club is filled with amazing people from our community, along with their family and friends. When you cross over the Finish Line you’ll most certainly be cheered on and thanked loudly for your incredible efforts! Swing by and say hi and meet some of our key community members.
- Prizes and Awards Ceremony -
From 11:15am there will be a series of random prize draws. To be in with the chance of winning, all you need to do is pop your rider number into one of the bins at the front of the stage for the distance you rode in, and we’ll pick out a winner!
There will also be an Award Ceremony at 12:15pm, where we will be celebrating all of our fundraisers and recognising the Top 3 individuals and Top 3 teams. Be sure to stick around to be part of the celebrations!
- Photography & Social Media -
There’s plenty of photo opportunities throughout the day, so be sure to take plenty of snaps and share them with us using the hashtag #MSBrissietotheBay. There will also be event photographers roaming the site taking photos too!
- Rest & Recovery Area -
After your ride, your body will likely be needing some rest and recovery and you’ll be able to find our Recovery Area to take some time for a massage!
Parking is available in the South Brisbane area (and surrounding suburbs), but parking restrictions and metered parking may apply.
Please note that there is no parking on Russell Street, Manning Street and Edmondstone Street, as these will be closed for the event. Any vehicles remaining on these streets at 5am on the day of the event will be towed.
There are 2 nearby Secure Parking locations, the SW1 carpark and 10 Browning Street Car Park, which can be pre-booked on the Secure Parking website at a discounted rate.
There are two further parking options, including Brisbane Convention Centre car park which is open 24 hours a day, and the South Bank car park (access through Tribune Street only), which opens at 4am. Please refer to the South Bank website for more information.
Please check to plan your journey before the day and be aware of any track closures that may be scheduled for the day.
Road closures will be in place in and around the Musgrave Park area on Sunday 9 June, 2024. Watch this space of the list of road closures closer to event day.
2025 ROAD CLOSURE LIST - coming soon
Please familiarise yourself with the course you will be riding before event day.
All courses can be viewed by clicking the link below and you'll also be able to see where each hydration station is located.
Click here to view all courses
We highly recommend that you start the event with at least one full reusable drink bottle or a hydration style backpack of water.
There are refreshment stations available on each of the following courses:
- Donut King 20km – one refreshment station
- 50km – one refreshment stations
- 100km – three refreshment stations
- 130km – four refreshment stations
Mechanical support will be provided throughout the event, with a Bike Mechanic Station set up at Musgrave Park and at the Wynnum Refreshment station. Further to this, bike mechanics will be roving each course, providing assistance as required throughout the day.
If you break down, please move off the road, set your bike upside down and wait for a repair van, which will be doing laps of the course. A mechanic will either repair your bike at your location, or transport you and your bike back to Musgrave Park if it is unrepairable.
If you are close to a Volunteer Course Marshal, please walk over to them and ask for help, they can call mechanical assistance to get them to you sooner.
Please note: there will be more than 5,000 riders on the course at any one time, this can cause delays in our bike mechanics getting to you. If you have the ability to do minor repairs on your bike, please bring your own repair kit to do so.
First aid is available at the start line, rest stops, Event Village and medics will be roving throughout the course.
The medical team will dispatch staff to your location on course if you are injured. Course marshals, volunteers, traffic controllers and police will all be able to contact the medical team to get them to your location.
If you see another rider needing medical attention, please notify the closest event official of the incident.
In the case of an emergency, please call 000.
MS Brissie to the Bay takes rider safety very seriously and we want you to have the best ride you can.
Please note, your registration fee does not include cycling insurance.
Prior to the event day, we recommend you find suitable insurance to keep you safe both during the event and throughout your every day riding.
Bicycle Queensland is the leading voice for community cycling in Queensland with over 12,000 members statewide. Bicycle Queensland value the positive impact riding has on people’s health and wellbeing, our communities and the environment. They work with integrity in building the cycling movement. They support and educate the public and their stakeholders. Bicycle Queensland’s mission is to get more people riding more often.
Bicycle Queensland is offering MS Brissie to the Bay participants an exclusive "for the day" insurance to ensure you are riding covered.
The Insurance will provide limited personal accident and limited public liability insurance cover to participants in the Event who do not already hold any other form of riding insurance, including, but to limited to insurance through membership of Bicycle Queensland or similar. The Insurance will cover the Event participant whilst they are participating in the Event only and whilst they are obeying the terms and conditions of the Event.
To secure your one-day insurance, click here
You can find more infomation in the PDS and T&Cs here
Note: MS Queensland is not affiliated with this organisation and we do not endorse or guarantee the quality of the products or services. It is up to the individual to make their own informed decision when selecting insurance coverage.
The MS Brissie to the Bay bike ride course is held on public roads that may have high traffic demands or present difficult conditions such as steep descents. It is therefore important that participants exercise caution at all times and ride in a protective manner to be aware of what is happening around them.
It is crucial we all understand cycling etiquette to ensure all our riders, with varying levels of skill and fitness, are able to enjoy their ride together.
For your safety, as well as the safety of other cyclists, volunteers, local residents and the general community, please follow the safety advice below:
- All normal Queensland Road Rules apply, unless otherwise directed by a Queensland Police Officer. Please familiarise yourself with the Queensland Road Rules.
- Listening to music via earphones or headphones is strictly prohibited.
- Abide by the road rules. This includes adhering to speed limits, obeying traffic signals and remaining on the left-hand side of the road.
- Listen and obey directions from Police, traffic controllers and course marshals.
- Do not ride in the gutter.
- Use hand signals if turning left, right or stopping.
- Only pass other riders safely on the right hand side.
- It is the rider’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the course map and to follow the signs posted on course.
- Your bike must be mechanically sound with both front & rear brakes in working order.
- Always wear your helmet correctly when cycling.
- Wear bright clothing that increases your visibility to other road users.
- Remember to drink plenty of water and to eat before, during, and after the event.
- Entrants should only ridetwo abreast when it is safe to do so.
- The use of mobile phones while riding is illegal so if you need to do so, please move off the road.