Meet Paul & Bridie
When Paul Flanders signed up for his first MS Brissie to the Bay bike ride more than 25 years ago, he had no idea that the services and supports he was fundraising for would one day be needed by his own family.
“At that time, I was Head of Year 10 at an all-boys college, looking for a community service activity that would develop the students’ social conscience and involve them in a community activity. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) was on my radar because a close friend from my university days had been diagnosed when she was 26.”
Over the next decade, Paul and his students raised over $200,000!Then, in 2018, his daughter Bridie received her own devastating diagnosis.

Bridie & Paul at MS Brissie to the Bay
“There’s still a mountain to climb when it comes to awareness and the funding needed to carry out research and make life better for people with MS.”
While always proud of her dad’s endeavours, Bridie now understands the very real impact of his commitment and the generosity of donors.
“I'm incredibly grateful for my dad, my husband Shane and all the other people who ride and donate in support of MS,” Bridie says. “It makes me feel positive knowing that so many people are working hard to raise money and awareness for people, like me, living with such a devastating condition.”
For her, the ability to tap into support from MS Queensland has been “amazing”.
“It’s taken me a long time to accept my diagnosis – to accept that I need help. You want to block it all out and keep on going with your life, but MS has other ideas.
“The facilities and support available from MS Queensland can make such a difference. I really appreciated the help with my NDIS application and being able to have a physio assessment at the Neuro Wellness Hub."
“There’s still a mountain to climb when it comes to awareness and the funding needed to carry out research and make life better for people with MS. If we could sort out a cure, that would be marvellous!”
For Paul, who will once again be cheered on by Bridie this year’s MS Brissie to the Bay event, a cure for MS is the ‘holy grail’ – but support services and wellness programs provided by MS Queensland can make an incredible difference.
“I’ve always believed we have an obligation to help each other and to contribute to our community and especially people who may be less well-off than we are. Awareness is the key!"
“People need to be educated about MS and, from that, hopefully flows understanding and empathy and, ultimately, support."