
We are taking part in the Ride to Fight MS

We are taking part in the 2024 MS Brissie to the Bay bike ride to join the fight against multiple sclerosis.

We are raising funds to show our support. Your donation will make a huge impact to change the lives of people living with MS.

Did you know:

  • On average, more than 10 Australians are diagnosed with MS every week.
  • The average age of diagnosis is just 30 years of age.
  • Three out of four Australians with MS are women.

Your support will help fund essential services for almost 5,500 Queenslanders living with MS. These services include the NeuroAssist information line, specialist nursing services, wellness programs, and financial support. Your support will also power research into better treatments and our hope that one day there will be a cure for MS.

Please DONATE to support our ride and help ensure no one faces MS alone.

Our Achievements

Raised 25% of fundraising goal

Raised 50% of fundraising goal

Raised 75% of fundraising goal

Reached team fundraising goal

Thank you to our Sponsors





Well done.




Susan Marrinan

Great effort all - hope you have great weather and a safe ride!


R Lin

Great cause


Power Engineering Services Pty Ltd


Waterline Projects

Peddle hard Team EDL!



Best of Luck mate, its a worthy cause.


Power On Australia


Cell Engineering


Keith Middleton


High Power Engineering


Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!


Grace Shiu


A Generous Donor

Thank you for your Dollar Match donation in support of the MS Brissie to the Bay


Clamp Electrical Industries


Graeme Healy




Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!




Richard Hong




Karen Cicero


Maxiserv Pty Ltd



James Harman

Great cause Kester. Good on you!


Styling You



Onwards and upwards pEDLers!


Kester Hubbard


Jasmine Kachel


Dean Burns

Hope your leaving your E Bike in the Shed mate :)


Rhys Kilpatrick


Alan Fetherstonhaugh


Tim Yoong

Go pEDLers!


Preshan Pillay

Great job pEDLers!


Tracey Weir

Best of Luck




Kester Hubbard




Andy Perera

Good Luck on your fund raising


Noela Whitmore

Great cause


Trent Allen

Well done Brett.


Matt Stockwell

Great cause!


Amanda Tsai

Go Monica!


Renai Blake

Go Jenny - great cause!!


Bob Shafiee


Geoff Allen

Go Grace! Good training for Espana!


Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!


Meera Shah




Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!



Go Grace, Go!!


A Generous Donor

Thank you for your Dollar Match donation in support of the MS Brissie to the Bay




Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!


Kester Hubbard




Facebook Donation




Vlado Srbinoski

High five


Josie Kendall


Peyton Thompson


Nia Davies

Good lucky everyone!


Anonymous Donor

Thank you for your Dollar Match donation in support of the MS Brissie to the Bay


Lisa Anneliese Neuhold

You're all heroes in my eyes! All the best for the ride on Sunday and thanks again for the AMAZING morning tea x


Linda Brown


Hayley Haddad


Sarah Ross


Elsbeth Pickerin



Good luck!


Neavh Uhr



